Sunday, 22 August 2010

Hello from Abu Dhabi!

Just landed at Abu Dhabi airport (which is amazing by the way!) it's all very shiny and new! Flight was fine! Spent most of the 6 hours watching trashy rom-com films and reading the free magazines! It's 2am here and our flight to Kathmandu doesn't leave for another 8 hours. Should probably try and sleep a little in that time! Managed to get both the typewriters we're taking out for the charity through although the heavier one had to go into hold (&will probably be returned to us in a thousand pieces!)

Apparently it's 31 degrees celcius here! Looks very sandy outside (unsuprisingly!)

Hopefully we'll be able to find an internet cafe tomorrow when we arrive in Kathmandu!

Millie xx

(if you want to contact us, you can leave a message/comment below!)


  1. [This is the Lipp family]
    Wow!! Cool, what plane did you take, jumbo? or others...
    It's really rainy and damp here what's it like in Aboo Dhabi.

    Glad you got that far OK. Its also v windy and Alex is off sailing! Nick in full flow yesterday at moguls training- "when I did this icy coulouir with Warren..........."etc etc etc!!! but he was impressed with your trip. Hope the guest house is nice and cockroaches friendly.
    Mum( haven't got a blog account yet but will try to sus it out so I am not beholden to Alex, looking over my shoulder and checking all my grammar!!( AAAGH!)- no R and no quote marks hee hee hee!

  2. Wow, so jealous of your exotic escapades! Just to put that in context, last night England had more rainfall than half the monthly average ...
    I saw that you had a three course meal on the plane as well, it's alright for some, hmmm? :P I'll link you guys in my next blog post today/ tomorrow and hopefully get more people to follow you. Can't wait for some pictures if you can manage it! :)

  3. (This is the Rhead Family)
    Just typical Vikki of Millie to lose her visa temporarily - you'll get used to it!
    Sounds like you're having a great adventure - hope you get some sleep!
